We increased sales by 4% on Pilulka.cz

Results after three months of cooperation

+4 %

revenue growth from the whole e-shop

+120 %

cart value

+1 mil. Kč

revenue growth per moth on reco areas

Astratex logo


About the project

Pilulka.cz is the leading Czech online pharmacy with sales of CZK 3.6 billion. With its current presence in four countries of the European Union (CR, SK, AT, HU), it has consolidated its market position.

As part of its strategy, it used a proprietary product recommendation system on various recommendation sites that operated on the basis of simple rules.

Main challenges

Innovate the current functionality and personalize the offered products as much as possible, focusing on the specific individual preferences of each user.

A strong focus was placed on rapid deployment so that users would start benefiting from an improved and personalized experience as soon as possible when shopping.


We implemented Zoe Deep Recommendations on 6 different areas including so-called bundles, product packages.

We designed and used our own widgets, no internal client-side development was required. It was a pure FE integration.

Continuous AB testing to evaluate the effectiveness

Regular reporting on a monthly basis and adjustments to models e.g. for seasonal campaigns.

Zoe.ai streamlined product recommendation and opened the way for further innovation

Zoe.ai has helped us offer customers more relevant products in the recommendation areas. This makes the use of these areas significantly more efficient. We are now looking at other places where we can incorporate AI.

Jozef Filo
E-commerce product manager Pilulka.cz

Examples of recommendation areas

We maximised the potential of personalisation thanks to bigger number of recommendation areas

Would you like to achieve similar results like Pilulka.cz?

Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to discuss your situation.